Technical Support:
It is very important to know... that the while Wizard Detectors are very powerful and sensitive, they do not detect every size of metal. Please use good judgement and common sense when detecting. Very small metal objects can be missed under certain circumstances. Also direction and depth of metal objects along with density of material can cause various detection ranges. Careful scanning and visual inspection are necessary. Metal detectors are simply aids in detection and should not be thought of as a guarantee to locate every metal object.
Product Knowledge and Tuning Instructions
Wizard Detectors are covered by warranty for one year from date of purchase. If you have a detector that is not functioning properly please follow the instructions below.
Please note that returns can take up to 10 days. Tuning should always be attempted before returning in order to save time.
Some things you should know about metal detectors.
The Little and Lumber Wizard Does NOT detect lead shot (sorry hunters).
The Little and Lumber Wizard does detect Titanium though...
Lumber Wizard 5 Automatic Tuning Instructions

The Lumber Wizad 5 has a convenient and precise automatic tuning feature.
To use always use a new battery or one that you can confirm the voltage is above 8.4 volts for best detection. Be certain to be several feet from any large metal tools, metal furniture, equipment, etc. Hold the unit steady in one position. Press the power button to turn on. Allow a few seconds for the unit to beep. Once it beeps the unit is tuned to its environment.
If alternating Green and Red Lights Flash Tuning Is Not exact so try again. Check battery power. Proper battery power is vital to best detection and performance.
After the automatic tuning has completed (remember it takes a few seconds after powering on) experiment with some small and large metal objects in thin air to become familiar with the detection distances and the orientation of the metal pieces.
Fine Tuning your
Little Wizard II
(After 2013 models)
If your Little Wizard is not functioning correctly
please follow the instructions below.
(June. 01, 02)
Fine Tuning: The Little Wizard can easily be fine-tuned or adjusted to your environmental conditions (ground-balance, humidity, etc.). Follow this procedure if your Little Wizard is displaying any of the following problems: doesn't beep, continuously beeps, works intermittently, not sensitive enough, or if you cannot set a working point. Turn the unit on by rotating the on/off/adjustment dial about half way. If the unit IS beeping, rotate the adjustment screw counter-clockwise until the beeping just stops. If the unit IS NOT beeping, rotate the adjustment screw clockwise until the beeping starts, then back off just to where the beeping stops. The unit is now fine-tuned. Test the unit on some visible metal to verify that it is working properly.
Little Wizard II
Fine Tuning Screw
Figure 1. Fine Tuning Screw |
If, after following these instructions, your Little Wizard is still not working properly, email us at email
Fine Tuning your Little Wizard From Before 2013 Original Model
If your older model Little Wizard is not functioning correctly
please follow the instructions below.
(Nov. 01, 2001)
The Little Wizard can easily be fine-tuned or adjusted to your environmental conditions. Follow this procedure if your Little Wizard is displaying any of the following problems:
Doesn't Beep
Continuously Beeps
Works Intermittently
Doesn't Detect Metal
Cannot Adjust Working Point
First, make sure you are using a good battery. Battery problems account for the vast majority of problems seen with the Little Wizard.
1. Remove the battery cover and battery.
2. Remove the Cover Retaining Screw, located in the center of the underside of the unit. Use a small phillips head screwdriver (Figure 1).
3. Remove the cover, by lifting slowly from the battery end.
4. Locate the internal Fine Adjustment screw, located near the battery end of the circuit board. It is a round white knob with a cross shaped in the middle (for a phillips head screwdriver). (Figure 2)
5. Attach a good working battery.
6. Support the battery and the unit in one hand, and hold the unit away from any metal.
7. Turn the unit on by rotating the on/off/adjustment dial about half way.
8. If the unit IS beeping, rotate the internal adjustment screw counter-clockwise until the beeping just stops. (Figure 3)
9. If the unit IS NOT beeping, rotate the internal adjustment screw clockwise until the beeping starts, then back off just to where the beeping stops.
10. Test the unit by passing the detector head over a piece of visible metal.
11. Turn the unit off, and disconnect the battery.
12. Replace the cover: Connect the cover to the base at the detector head end first, then close the cover. Tighten the cover retaining screw.
13. Re-connect the battery and replace the battery cover.
The unit is now fine-tuned for your environmental conditions.
Additional Tips For Using the Little Wizard
Educational Article For Using A Metal Detector
False or erratic detection problems can be solved by learning about the aspects below and by the instructions for your model of detector:
When the detector is in a cold environment (below 40 degrees) they may become erratic or be caused to beep constantly. This is due to moisture content of the air that causes metal detectors to have less ability to generate and receive a magnetic signal. The detector will function better in temperatures above 40 degrees. If you need to use your detector in a temperature below 40 degrees it may be necessary to place the unit in a warm environment such as a location of normal room temperature for a period of a half hour to one hour depending on the moisture content and temperature.
False signal problems can usually be overcome is adjusting the unit for ground balance.
Ground Balancing. What are we actually doing when we ground balance a detector? Ground balance can be described as compensating for the phase shift of the detectors "received coil signal" because of the affects of average ground mineralization. The two basic components of a metal detectors operation is signal is amplitude, and phase response. These two components work together to cause a metal detector to signal when it is in contact with metal. The signal is generated when a detector recognizes a variance in magnetic waves that are generated by the detectors coil. When a shift in a detectors magnetic field is present the detector will emit a beeping tone.
Ground mineralization will affect the detectors settings and can cause false or erratic signals. Ground balance issues will be evident because the detector will go quiet or may respond (beep) when there is no real target evident. When ground balancing there is not supposed to be any target (metal objects) present. To tune your detector for proper ground balance follow the instructions for your model of detector
If there are a lot of metallic objects around you or you are in a location that has heavy mineralization either a loss in depth or excessive false signals may be experienced while operating the detector. Also if the ground-balance is adjusted so the detector gets quieter and the unit beeps when it is rotated to a different position either up and down or rotated left or right (mostly to the southern direction due to the polar fields), the unit in some cases may give false signals when the coil is swept over a surface. In some instances it may be necessary to have the detector facing in one particular direction (a direction that allows the detector to beep only when in contact with metal).
These factors are not a flaws in the detector, believe it or not having control over the ground balance rather than having it "preset" at the factory will help you in locating buried shot. Every single metal detector made is affected by ground balance and the Earth's polar fields.
Getting accustomed to your detectors sensitivity and proper tuning adjustments will help you in locating buried metal much easier.